The Instruments page provides all functionality to work with instruments defined by a facility.
Provided actions are:
- request access to instruments
- make and manage reservations
- access instrument-specific documentation
- report technical issues
- contact the Instrument managers
1. Select Facility
The user must make sure that the correct facility is selected.
2. Time navigation
The time navigation tools make selecting the right time easy.
- Click the left or right button to rewind or forward the calendar one day.
- Click on Today to reset the shown date to the current day.
Click on the date range to display a datepicker.
3. Calendar View
The software allows to view instruments and time in different formats.
- Column: instruments
- Rows: time slots
- Column: instruments
- Subcolumn: days of week
- Rows time slots
- Grid: days of month
- Select instrument using the dropdownbox at the topleft
- Column: time slots (business hours)
- Row: instruments
4. Instrument Filter
When navigating to the Instruments page, all instruments of the selected facility are shown. Depending on the number of instruments, not all of them are visible. The Instrument Filter allows to select which instruments are shown in the calendar view. The functionality of the Instrument Filter depends on the Calendar View.
- Click the double down arrow, the instrument filter will be shown.
There are multiple ways to use the instrument filter. They can be used concurrently to narrow down the search result. The number of found instruments are shown right of the Go button.
- Click on the checkboxes to turn on/off the visibility of an instrument. The calendar view will update automatically.
- Use the Category and/or Group dropdown boxes. The calendar view will update automatically.
- Use the search box. Click on Go to start the search. Click on the small x in the search box to reset.
If an instrument is not found, make sure that it is not filtered away due to the multiple levels of selection.
5. Instrument
A thumbnail picture of the instrument is shown. Hovering over the picture wilpops up a new window. This popup window contains a detailed description of the instrument and has some important functionality.
- Help Files
When clicked, a second windows pops up wilt links to intrument-specific documentation or useful links. This documentation will be update form time to time.
- Permission status
Shows the access status of the user to this instrument.
New user should click Request Access. The status will change to Pending. Depending on the facility policy, the request needs approval of the FA. If the request is approved, the status changes to Allowed.
- Favorite
When the permission status is Allowed, the instrument can be marked as favorite. When the star icon is clicked, the instrument will be added to the list of favorite instruments which can be accessed on the My Instruments page.
- Report an issue
When the permission status is Allowed, the user can report an issue to the FA by clicking the Report an issue icon. A window will pop up allowing the user to send a report with the issue to facility admin.
Please provide enough information to describe the issue:
- What instrument(s) are effected
- Description of the issue
- What steps where taken
- Did it affect your data?
- Did it affect your scan session?
- Eventually a screenshot
- In charge
The user can directly contact one of the persons in charge of this particular instrument by clicking the person's email address.
- For technical issues: Use the procedure for reporting technical isues described above.
- Contact the first person in the list for a general question.
- Facility
The user can check the Facility Information page when clicking on the facility name in the bottom left corner.
- Full Description
The user can access more detailed information on the instrument by clicking on Full Description in the bottom left corner.
Do not use the Email Users feature as this may lead to unwanted emails.