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User Wizard

The User Wizard is the simplest way to request access to labs, facilities and instruments. The User Wizard can be used by both new and existing users.

New users
For new users, the wizard will start automatically after succesful registration in the CFMS, see the Register in the CFMS section.
Existing users

Existing users can start the User Wizard on the My Profile page.

Below is a detailed description for each step. Important to know is that each step can be skipped if not applicable. This is not recommended for new users but might be handy for existing users.

  1. For new users: Register to the CFMS if applicable, see the Register in the CFMS section.

  2. Browse to the CFMS site.

    A wizzard will start to assist you request access to labs, facilities and instruments.

    • Click on the Start button.

  3. Select the applicable labs.

    A list of available labs registered in the CFMS is shown. Make sure you check with the PI to select the correct lab. Check the sections on client types and the lab naming convention for more information.

    • Navigate to the lab you want to request access to. If you cannot find the lab or the list is too long, enter a search string in one of the search boxes at the top of the table and press Enter to filter out.
    • Click on Request Access.
    • The status will be set to Waiting for approval. Previously approved lab access requests will have the status Approved.

  4. Select the applicable facilities.

    A list of available core facilities at UGent is shown. For GIfMI, it is required to fill out a facility access form.

    • Navigate to the facility you want to request access to. If you cannot find the facility or the list is too long, enter a search string in one of the search boxes at the top of the table and press Enter to filter out.
    • Click on Request Access.
    • The status will be set to Waiting for approval. Previously approved facility access requests will have the status Approved.

  5. Select the applicable instruments.

    A list of available instruments for every core you have access to or have requested access for is shown.

    • Navigate to the instrument you want to request access to. If you cannot find the instrument or the list is too long, enter a search string in one of the search boxes at the top of the table and press Enter to filter out.
    • Click on Request Access.
    • The status will be set to Pending. Previously approved instrument access requests will have the status Approved.


Most access requests need manual approval by the PI or FA, others may be automatically approved. This depends on the lab and facility settings.

An email will be sent by the CFMS to the email address you registered with status updates and requests for action.


You can request access to multiple labs, facilities and instruments simultaneously.


When running the wizard as a new user, some of the information in the above screenshot will not be applicable, such as previously approved access requests.