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Lab access

Every user needs to be affiliated with at least one lab in the CFMS to be able to start using the CFMS. This section describes the procedure to request access to a lab.

There are multiple ways to request lab access:

Using the User Wizard

New users will automatically be directed to the User Wizard upon registration. Existing users can manually start the User Wizard on the My Profile page. Lab access request is the first step.

Using the My Profile page

  1. Navigate to the My Profile page via the described methods.

  2. Scroll to the section My Labs. You will find a list of all labs you are affiliated with (Active) or have requested access to (Pending). You can remove an affiliation by clicking the red icon at the right of the table.

    • Click on Select your lab button.

  3. A dialog box will appear containing all labs available in the system. Make sure that the Select Institution dropdown box is empty or Ghent University is selected.

    • Scroll down the list or use the search box.
    • Tick the appropriate checkbox(es).
    • click the Select button.

  4. The lab will be added to the list of affiliated lab. Depending on the settings of the lab, approval will be done immediately or after review of the PI/Lab Admin. During that period, the status will show Pending.