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Facility access

Every user needs to request access to a facility to be able to request access to services and instruments provided by the facility. This section describes the procedure to request access to a facility.

There are multiple ways to request facility access:

Using the User Wizard

New users will automatically be directed to the User Wizard upon registration. Existing users can manually start the User Wizard on the My Profile page. Facility access request is the second step.

Using the My Profile page

  1. Navigate to the My Profile page via the described methods.

  2. Scroll to the section My Facilities. You will find a list of all facilities you have access to (Active) or have requested access to (Pending). You can remove a facility by clicking the red icon at the right of the table.

    • Click on Search Facility button.

  3. A dialog box will appear containing all facilities available in the system. Make sure that the Select Institution dropdown box is empty or Ghent University is selected.

    • Scroll down the list or use the search box.
    • Tick the appropriate checkbox(es).
    • Click the Select button.

  4. The facility will be added to the list. Depending on the settings of the lab, approval will be done immediately or after review of the PI/Lab Admin. During that period, the status will show Pending.

Using the Main Menu

  1. Open the main menu.

    • Click in the main menu on the 9 square box icon.
    • Click on Facilities.

  2. A list of all available facilities will be shown with some information.

    • Scroll down the list or use the search box.
    • Click on Request Access button of the appropriate facilities.

    Alternatively, go to Facility Information by clicking the facility name or thumbnail and click on the Request button.

  3. The current status will change to Wait for approval.

  4. When the PI/Lab Admin approves the request or when the system automatically approves the request, the status will change to Approved. It is now also possible to make reservations, submit samples or order supplies from the facility.

Facility information

Extra information about the facility can be shown in several ways

  • Using the User Wizard in the Facility Access step, click on the facility name.
  • Using the 9-square box, select Facilities and click on the facility name or thumbnail.
  • Using the instrument popup, click on the facility name.

A page with facility detail information is shown in a new tab.

If facility access is already approved, you will be able to make a reservation. If not approved yet, you can request access by clicking the Request button.