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Setting up a lab in the CFMS

Setting up a lab in the CFMS is a multi-step process with actions from several agents. This flowchart shown here describes this process in detail, where each step is color-coded by the user types.

Some steps can be skipped, e.g. when a lab already exists or when a user is already registered in the CFMS.

Note that a FA can take over the user role of PI/Lab Admins if support is needed.

Setup of a lab in the CFMS      Actors  FacilityAdmin Principal Investigator (PI/Lab Admin) User (U)The PI must check with the Ghent UniversityFinancial Department on the type of contractneeded. This information is required to be ableto reserve instruments in the facility.Initiate the setupContact FA for help setting up the labSend financial information to the FAWBS-element/Cost center/SAP contract numberThe client type determines the inclusion/exclusionof cost drivers such as personnel cost, device cost,maintenance cost and consumables and VAT, overheadand margin.Determine theclient typeThe lab need to be created by a high-level manager of thesoftware and takes some time.Request lab creation a week in advance. A lab is created depending on theclient type, organization and name of the PI. A PI can have multiple labs depending on the client types.Request DA/IA to create a labEvery user, internal and external, needs toregister in the CFMS.Registerin CFMSThe DA/IA usually have already approvedlab-level access of the facility, so this step can often be skipped.Facility access request onlab-levelis requiredto be able to reserve instruments.Request lab-level access to facilityCIf not, the FA can approve.Approve facility access requestThe billing information is required to be able toreserve instruments.Add all applicable account codes to the billinginformation.Update lab informationContact informationBilling informationThe PI/Lab Admin can add users whichare already registered in the CFMS.Add existing usersEvery user, internal and external, needs toregister in the CFMS.Registerin CFMSUsers must register with the labto be able to reserve instruments.Request access to labCan be done automatically, dependingon the lab configuration.Approve lab access requestAdding new account codes and/or users require updatingthe account code information, depending on the labconfiguration.Update user account codeIt is important to note that the FA can only take overthe role of the PI in the CFMS if the PI has alsorequested user-level access to the facility.Request access to faciltyFacility access request onuser-levelis requiredto be able to reserve instruments.Approve facility access requestThis step is optional and only useful when thePI needs support in the lab management. Lab Admin Alternatives usually support thePI/Lab Admin for user management and invoicing.This is usually a proxy from the back office.Appoint Lab AdminInstrument access request onuser-levelis required to be able to reserve instruments. This step is only necessary for users who needto reserve instruments.Request access to instrumentsApprove instrument access requestMake reservationsHappy scanning