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Basic concepts

The documentation on this site uses terms defined by the CFMS. Below is a list of terms with explanation in the context of the CFMS and how they are implemented for GIfMI specifically.

Lab vs Facility


A facility refers to an entity providing scientific expertise, services and research infrastructure. Practically at GIfMI, this includes all equipment like the scanner and peripherals, the mock scanner and rooms like the meeting room but also the expertise of the team. A facility usually has multiple labs as clients.

A lab is a group of one or more people headed by an Principal Investigator managing the lab. Members of the lab can reserve infrastructure a facility with approval of the PI. A lab can be client of multiple facilities.

User types

The CFMS heavily relies on user types, each with distinct responsabilities and permissions. The types used by the CFMS are listed below with decreasing permissions. Every type has also the same permissions of the types lower in the hierarchy.

Institution Admin (IA)
  • Manages and configures the software on institution level.
  • Oversees if the implementation aligns with organizational goals and requirements.
  • Has regular meetings with the vendor on operation, change requests, bug reports.
  • Provides support and troubleshooting assistance to facility admins and department admins as needed.
Department Admin (DA)
  • Manages and configures the software on department level.
  • Oversees if the implementation aligns with organizational goals and requirements of the specific department.
  • Has regular meetings with the IA.
  • Provides support and troubleshooting assistance to facility admins and department admins as needed.
Facility Admin (FA)
  • Manages and configures the software on facility level.
  • Oversees if the implementation aligns with organizational goals and requirements of the specific core facility.
  • Provides support and troubleshooting assistance to users and PI/Lab Admins.
PI/Lab Admin (PI/LA)
  • Oversees and manages the lab's activities.
  • Manages users and user permissions within the lab.
  • Manages user's budgets.
  • Manages the billing process.
Lab Admin Alternative (LAA)
  • Acts as a substitute for the PI/Lab Admin.
  • Mainly intended for personnel handling invoices.
User (U)
  • Reserves research infrastructure using the CFMS.


  • All user types are also default users. All information for Lab Users is also applicable to PI’s.
  • In case of problems or support requests, the FA can take over any user role once the user is registered to the facility.

User roles/Client types

Each lab is assigned a user role. This is a very confusing term as this is usually reserved for the user types described earlier. We therefore use the term client type from now on. The client type assigned to a lab is a number determined by some parameters:

  • funding source: internal or external client to the Ghent University.

    External means that VAT is applicable.

  • cost drivers: personnel, device, maintenance, consumables

    Some cost drivers do not apply to specific client types.

The unique combination of these 5 parameters yield a total of 25 or 32 different types.

The most common client types used at GIfMI are below.

Type nr Description Internal/External Personnel
Consumables VAT Overhead
Type 01 Internal Academic Internal 1 1 1 1 no no
Type 07 European funded Internal 1 0 0 1 no no
Type 17 External Academic
Industry sponsored
External 1 1 1 1 yes yes
Type 23 European funded External 1 0 0 1 no no

The consequence of this system is that a PI with multiple affiliations or sources of funding might have multiple labs with a different type. A few examples:

  • A PI with an FWO grant and an ERC grant will manage a Type 01 and Type 07 respectively.
  • A PI with an UGent WBS-element will manage a Type 01 lab.
  • A PI with an BOF grant and an UGent WBS-element or cost center will manage a Type 01 lab.
  • A PI from a research institution outside the AUGent will manage a Type 17 lab.


PI/Lab Admins are responsable for correctly configuring the lab. This involves the correct assignment of account codes, users and permissions for the specific client type of their lab(s).

The GIfMI FA can support the PI/Lab Admin in the lab setup but the final responsability lies with the PI/Lab Admin.


A facility often houses instruments which can be reserved by the users of the facility. Below is a list of instruments available at GIfMI. This list is subject to changes and will be update here.

Instrument Short name Description
Siemens Magnetom Prisma Fit Prisma FIT 3T MRI Scanner
Hipppocampus meeting room Hippocampus Meeting room next to console room
TMS lab TMS lab TMS room (in repair)
MRI simulator MRI Simulator MRI Simulator room
Physiological monitoring - BIOPAC PhysMon - Biopac MRI compatible physiological data acquisition system
MR Elastography MRE MR Elastography module including hardware, sequence and post-processing software
Eyetracker Eyetracker MRI compatible eyetracking system
QASPER QASPER ASL perfusion calibration phantom (in repair)
FUNStar FUNStar fNIRN compliant phantom for fMRI


A facility can also offer services which can be reserved by the users of the facility. For now, GIFMI does not offer specific services.

Contact GIfMI if specific services are needed.

Categories and Groups

All instruments are divided in categories and groups. Categories and groups can be useful when using the Instrument Filter on the Instruments page.

Category Group Instrument
Spaces Labs Prisma Fit, TMS lab, MRI Simulator
Rooms Hippocampus
Equipment Peripherals Stimulus Presentation, Physiological monitoring, Eyetracker, MR Elastography, Bitebar
Scanners Prisma Fit
Other MRI Simulator, TMS lab
MRI Prisma Fit, Hippocampus
fMRI Prisma Fit, Hippocampus, Physiological monitoring, Eyetracker
Services MRE Prisma Fit, Hippocampus, MR Elastography
MRI Simulator MRI Simulator

Session types

When reserving a resource, one needs to select a session type. Session types determine the type of the reservation and will be partially reflected by the color in the calendar. The session type for your study depends on the client type, source of funding and application. The available session types are subject to changes. The list below will be update if applicable. The list of available session types at reservation is prefiltered by the user's lab and funding configuration.

Session type Description Status Color
Standard - Internal Academdic Standard session for academic research with UGent-based funds All users1 Green
Standard - External Academic Standard session for externally funded academic research All users1 Green
Standard - Industry Sponsored Standard session for industry sponsored research All users1 Green
Standard - UZGent A Standard session for UZGent studies with UZGent funding All users1 Green
Standard - UZGent B Standard session for UZGent studies with industry sponsored funding All users1 Green
Standard - UZGent MBV A Standard session for UZGent Radiology studies with UZGent funding All users1 Green
Standard - UZGent MBV B Standard session for UZGent Radiology studies with industry sponsored funding All users1 Green
Development Session focused on basic development All users2 Green
Pending funding Session with pending funding All users3 Yellow
GIfMI Operations General operations for GIfMI staff GIfMI Ops4 Blue
Training Training sessions for users GIfMI Ops4 Orange
Education Educational sessions GIfMI Ops4 Violet
  1. The correct session to select depends on each study and will be communicated when allocating the GSB number.
    This depends on the client type and the source of funding.
  2. This session type can only be used after approval by the GIfMI Ops team.
    Not all clients will see this session type at reservation.
  3. Fund details for external clients may not yet be known by the CFMS.
    In the meantime, these clients can make reservations with this session type.
    This session type may only be selected after approval by the GIfMI Ops team.
  4. These session types are reserved for the GIfMI Ops team.
    They will be visible in the calendar but not at reservation.


The specific Standard session type depends on the client and funding source. The correct session type for a new study will be communicated before the start of a study. Please always check if the session type is correct at each reservation.

Lab naming convention

Labs are named by a convention based by the name of the lead PI and client type. These are the names which will be visible when logging in in the CFMS.

  • For internal UGent clients: <ZAP first name> <ZAP last name> Type <Type nr> Lab, e.g. John Doe Type 01 Lab.
  • For external clients : <Institution name> - <ZAP first name> <ZAP last name> Type <Type nr> Lab, e.g. UZGent - Jane Doe Type 17 Lab.
  • For commercial clients: <Company name> - <Lead PI first name> <Lead PI last name> Type <Type nr> Lab, e.g. FooBar - Tom Smith Type 17 Lab.